Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Well thus far I have survived my dental surgery. Thank-you to everyone who sent prayers up for me, it means a lot. I am not completely out of the woods yet.....but I am feeling okay. I have some pain, which was to be expected and swelling (I've got some nice chipmunk cheeks going on), and as of this morning I have some slight bruising on my left cheek (which is the one tooth he had to grind bone out of his way, so this is not surprising either). I just have to keep up on my antibiotics/antibacterials for the next two weeks or so (until their gone) to prevent any infection. I don't mind taking these pills, if it means a better recovery. I have some dietary restrictions, but it mainly goes with how I am feeling. Right now I am not ready to attempt solids, so last night's dinner was a milkshake and breakfast this morning will be a bowl of yogurt. Just going through the recovery process.

Friday, February 22, 2013

No longer 22

I'm writing a birthday post today. I would be writing it wearing a birthday hat, but our dollar store doesn't carry any (which seems extremely odd to me, and less fun), however they do sell those colourful tube shot glasses. It seemed like the next logical choice (I was able to talk myself out of that one).

I think I'm just going to do this numbered, mostly cause I just have a bunch of random nonsense to write about:

1) Being 22 was awesome. Last year on my 22nd birthday I went to an Ottawa senators game...for those of you that do not know - I LOVE (AND THAT IS A BIG LOVE) HOCKEY! I guess it is my Canadian roots, and the Senators are my favorite team. I know I'm never going to top this birthday, but every year I'm going to try. I figure the worst case scenario is I still have an awesome birthday, even if not quite as awesome.

2) Even though I went through a lot this past year, I wouldn't have changed any of it - not even a second.

3) Sticking through it - There have been times this year where I have felt like quitting, school, my job, my friends, the gym....pretty much everything. But I taught myself this year that perseverance is a beautiful thing....although not always glamorous. This is a quality I've always wanted and looking back at this year, I think I finally have it.

4) I can do anything - This is something that became a reality this year. With God I can do anything!

5) Looking forward - Each day brings something new, something that I am excited to face.

6) My birthday so far.....I've got some awesome presents so far, nice cards, tons of well wishes....the best coming from my best friend Ellen, while she couldn't be here she sent me "Happy Birthday" via text message and told me to imagine it in her best operatic voice. So naturally, I imagined a batman operatic voice. Your Welcome!

What has been your best birthday memories?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just Today

Today, is just a day
a day like any other day.
Filled with thoughts of
love, peace, sacrifice, and healing.

Today I am reminded
that life is short and sweet.
We need to always remember to
love, laugh, dance, and smile.

Two days from now
I won't be the same girl.
A year older, I will be
A year smart I wish too.

With age comes wisdom,
joy and peace too.

I really have no idea what the heck this is. I just kind of started typing and this poem thing came out. I think I'm getting sick of writing all the school papers, that my creative side just let itself out of the cage and broke free. I'm going to post it because as I want to improve my writing I think that includes all genres of writing....even those that we don't intend to write.