The last few weeks I have been looking back on this blog. How much I have changed since it started, and ended. I started this blog 7 years ago - back when blogging was cool! In 7 years, so much has changed in my life, and I don't even remember half of what I blogged about.
It's pretty cool to be able to look back and see the journey I have come. How far I have come. How much God has done in my life. I remember the laughs, the tears, but most of all the people. The people who have come into my life at one point or another to make a difference, the people who have been good for me, the people who have been bad for me.
There is also so much that has happened in the 5 years since I've stopped blogging. It almost makes me want to start again. There are such important things that have changed in that time. I've changed so much in that time. I've become more of the woman God created me to be, I've gotten a clearer picture of who that woman is.
Love in Christ!