Monday, March 26, 2012

Atheist Rallies

Yesterday the Atheist Rallies took place in Washington.  Atheists and non-believers were rallying for religious rights. For any who do not know, an atheist is someone who does not believe the God exists. Here is the problem with the atheist rally - a religion is defined as the belief of a controlling supernatural being, also called a God.

 First lets discuss the framework of the rally. They based it on a rally for gay rights, how is this even remotely the same? people rallying for their sexual rights verses people who are rallying for their religious rights (if you can even call it that in this case). They are defending that knowing an atheist goes a long way to accepting atheism. Does anyone else see the problem here? How do you accept something that is the lack of a religion as a religion?

Second, don't they live in a free country with right to believe whatever they want? So why are they getting their knickers all in a bunch because they want more "secularists," as the media is calling them, in politics. What difference would this make? Is not the very framework that the US constitution is based on religious, the same constitution that gives them the right to believe whatever they please to. Also, I think people have tried to change the constitution before, and if memory serves me right (which it might not, because I'm not really up to date on my American History) they were rather unsuccessful on this behalf. All new policies are based on the good of the general public, sorry if that happens to be the same as what the Bible says. Oh, wait no we are not sorry, a lot of the time it is what is best for people that is why it is written in the Bible.

 Is rallying for religious rights, when you don't have a religion really even worth any one's time?