Monday, April 15, 2013


Today I heard in the news about the bombings at the Boston Marathon. This is what I've been praying ever since. Please join me:

My heart hurts when I hear something like this has happened. I shed a tear for all of those who were involved.

I am saddened with grief for those who died, and their loved ones. I pray for comfort and healing. I pray that they knew God, and they are rejoicing joyously with Him now.

I pray for nothing but healing, and rest of the soul for those many that were injured.

I pray for guidance and stability for the first responders, and other people who have volunteered to risk their lives to help those in need.

Although I know evil exist and will continue to manifest itself until Jesus comes (and after):
I pray that there are no more bombs, that lives no longer have to be taken.

I pray for those that set the bomb. I pray that they know the wrongs of what they have done, and I pray that they find Jesus and see his mercy & grace.

I pray for all of those that only want justice, that God settles their hearts, and that they don't fight back and cause a ruckus. I want to make it clear - I don't think that there should be no consequences for the bombers actions, just that we should not take justice into our own hands. To let the law, and the systems we have in place give the justice here on earth, and let Jesus do the judging - for He is truly just.

I pray for those who are praying. That we continue to pray unceasingly, for not only this but the other bombings that happened today in the middle east. Pray for the state of our world.

I pray for those who are rushing to judgement. It doesn't matter who the bombers are- what matters is that we show them Jesus' love, His forgiveness, and His mercy. I pray that we stand strong as Christians, not blame other religions and show His love.

I pray for the state of the world today. I pray that we don't forget about the bombing that also happened in other countries, just because they don't affect us directly.

I feel like prayers are not enough, so I pray that everyone will be blessed by all the prayers rising up to heaven and that those in need feel comforted and safe in the loving arms of Jesus.

The last thing I would like to share is a quote from Luke in the band for King and country:


"Hate can rattle our buildings and bring heartache to a nation, but our faith in Jesus will not be moved."

-These are beautiful words of comfort for those affected.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Meltdown

Today I had a stressful afternoon. There was a massive miscommunication within my management's group assignment. The worst part was, a bunch of adults in a management class, were being rude and bossing each other around - rather than trying to find a solution. I was getting angry, at things that were being said, and at the fact that no one was taking responsibility and everyone was pointing fingers. So this caused a meltdown. I lost it, thankfully I have amazing friends and family who let me cry to them on the phone, swear at them, and help come up with effective solutions. I think in the end I can be proud of how I handled the situation. I refrained from pointing fingers, accusing people in the group, and making a ruckus (at least as far as the group could see). I also took initiative and came up with a solution, after apologizing for any part I had in the issue. Long story short - I hope our presentation tomorrow goes well, and everyone feels like they have enough time to prepare.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Cool thing that happened to me today: 

 When I prayed this morning before leaving for church I asked God to show me what he wanted me to learn today, this isn't a normal practice for me - but lately I haven't felt like I have been learning or hearing anything that is taught. I always seem to have a hard heart and not want to hear what is being said. I feel like this has been a successful way the devil has been attacking me, so today I prayed for God's help.

When I got in my truck to go to church my music was playing a song called "Your love shines" by Scott Cunningham Band. The first line I hear is "I fall to my knees, at the sight of your majesty". A beautiful line all in itself.

Then we sang a song in worship about God's majesty (I can't remember it, and I think it actually used the word majestic, but lets not be nit picky).

Then, Pastor Steve is preaching and he referred to a section in Daniel about Nebuchadnezzar. In this section it Nebuchadnezzar says "Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and the honour of my majesty?" I know this is talking of Nebuchadnezzar's majesty, but the sections depicts the difference between human majesty and God's majesty. Well it is talking about Nebuchadnezzar's humiliation, after he makes a declaration about his majesty. A stark image to me about the differences between human majesty and God's majesty.

Then when I get home and on my computer the first song that plays is Majesty (Here I am). This was not on purpose. I have my Itunes on random and shuffle. I just hit play and pause as I go away from my computer (thank-goodness for the mini player). I had somehow managed to stop it in between songs, so when I hit play Majesty started.

I think God wants me to know about his Majesty today.